I Am
You Always Have A Choice

Now you all have ways in which you know the self that you hate, that make you crazy, that you wonder why you continue to perpetuate, because it makes you feel awful or it makes you feel frightened or it keeps you stuck. You all say to yourselves, “I know, I know, I know, I know. I know I love myself, sort of, but I don’t, really, otherwise why would I keep doing this? Why would I create a bad relationship? Why would I do this on my job? Why wouldn’t I lose the weight?” or whatever you want to say to yourself. Everybody has these things.

Now we want to address one thing that you can do right now in order to transform yourself in a different way than the one example we just gave you. You actually have choice as thinkers about what you think, and how you think and when you think. You all have choice, and the disclaiming of this choice is part of what keeps you in habits that have been perpetuated by unconscious behavior. It’s why you always say, “Here I go again.” “Here I do it again.” “I don’t want to do it, but I’m doing it.” “I am thinking that way, I am doing that thing that I say I can’t do, because I know it makes me unhappy.” And yes, Victoria, we are speaking about your thinking and patterning around thinking that takes hold. Everybody has thoughts. Everybody has issues. No one is exempt.

― I Am The Word, Paul Selig

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