Transformational Healing Experience – Sunday 29 December 2024 @ 6:00 PM UK Time
What is so important for a healer to remember?
That there is only One Consciousness expressing itself in infinite forms, versions, worlds and lives.
That only the Eternal Now is Real.
When you are giving healing to someone, that person is your own projection. In the Field of Infinite Possibilities, the person in front of you is matching your vibration.
He/she is reflecting back to you what’s hidden in you, what you do not acknowledge, what you’ve repressed, suppressed, and denied about yourself.
He/she is healed when you transmute within yourself what was being projected onto that person.
Everything else is an illusion.
There is no healing that can be forced on anyone. There is no healing without transmutation of the opposites within you. There is only inner transformation which creates your relative reality.
Everyone has Free Will, so no spirit guide, angel or ascended master (who are also your own projections) will ever tell you what to do, as they will be taking away your Divine Right to make a choice.
That is why you are here, to make choices in alignment with Who You Really Are.
Photo by Leandro Barco of Pixabay