Tell me about space
Tell Me About Space

Space is time… demonstrated. In truth there is no such thing as space—pure, “empty” space, with nothing in it. Everything is something. Even the “emptiest” space is filled with vapors so thin, so stretched out over infinite areas, that they seem to not be there. Then, after the vapors are gone, there is energy. Pure energy. This manifests as vibration. Oscillations. Movements of the All at a particular frequency.

Invisible “energy” is the “space” which holds “matter together.”

Once—using your linear time as a model—all the matter in the universe was condensed into a tiny speck. You cannot imagine the denseness of this—but that is because you think that matter as it now exists is dense. Actually, what you now call matter is mostly space. All “solid” objects are 2 percent solid “matter” and 98 percent “air”! The space between the tiniest particles of matter in all objects is enormous. It is something like the distance between heavenly bodies in your night sky. Yet these objects you call solid.

At one point the entire universe actually was “solid. ” There was virtually no space between the particles of matter. All the matter had the “space” taken out of it—and with the enormous “space” gone, that matter filled an area smaller than the head of a pin. There was actually a “time” before that “time” when there was no matter at all—just the purest form of Highest Vibration Energy, which you would cal antimatter.

This was the time “before” time—before the physical universe as you know it existed. Nothing existed as matter. Some people conceive of this as paradise, or “heaven,” because “nothing was the matter”!
(It is no accident that today in your language, when you suspect something is wrong, you say, “What’s the matter?”) In the beginning, pure energy—Me!—vibrated, oscillated, so fast as to form matter—-al the matter of the universe!

You, too, can perform the same feat. In fact, you do, every day. Your thoughts are pure vibration—and they can and do create physical matter! If enough of you hold the same thought, you can impact, and even create, portions of your physical universe.

― Neale Donald Walsch – Conversations with God, Book 1