
Tag: spirituality

What is Reiki?
What is Reiki?

Which answer in this list is the incorrect answer? Please use the chat box to give your answer and provide any comments.

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you are the light in the world
You Are The Light

You were birthed to be grand., You were birthed for greatness. Be you, therefore, that which you are. You are the Light.

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Gedoku Chiryo Ho (Detoxification Technique)
Gedoku Chiryo Ho (Detoxification Technique)

Gedoku Chiryo Ho is a technique used to effect detoxification/purification on various levels.

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Reiki Circle 22 September 2023 Associazione MaeStr'Ale Cagliari
Reiki Circle – 22 September 2023, Associazione MaeStr’Ale, Cagliari

Weekly Reiki Circle events are open to all members of the Associazione di Promozione Sociale MaeStr’Ale in Via Sal Lucifero 65, Cagliari.

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Gassho Meiso (Gassho Meditation) & Gassho Kokyu Ho (Gassho Hand Breathing)

The Japanese term gassho refers to a ritual gesture formed by placing the hands – palms together, in the prayer-position.

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