
Tag: spiritual healing

What Is The Difference Between Original Japanese Reiki And Western Reiki
What Is The Difference Between Original Japanese Reiki And Western Reiki?

What’s The Difference Between Original Japanese Reiki And Western Reiki? In this post we explore a few differences between the two approaches

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Gendai Reiki Ho OKUDEN
Join us for the Gendai Reiki Ho Okuden Course (Level 2) Course in London on 29 and 30 July 2023

The attunements in Level II enhance the quality of Reiki energy within you. Reiki symbols as a “shape or letter” and Kotodama as a “voice or sound” allow you to harness Reiki energy with more potentiality.

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gendai reiki ho july 2023 london
Join us for the Gendai Reiki Ho Shoden Course (Level 1) Course in London on 22 and 23 July 2023

This seminar for beginners will open the Reiki pathway, by receiving energy transmissions (commonly called attunements) that are performed three times.

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