
Tag: source field

Online Reiki Circle
Online Reiki Circle – Let’s Share Reiki Energy Together

Our FREE Online Reiki Circle is Zoom each Thursday at 6:00 PM Rome Time. We gather each month to give and receive Reiki energy, to practice, to support and to learn.

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how can i let go of judgement
How Can I Let Go Of Judgement?

Other people’s judgement is quite painful to me. I move forward in my path but I feel the heaviness of the choices I made that others did not agree.

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how a transformational healing process works
How The Transformational Healing Process Works

In the past few months, I stated working with a new process called ‘Transformational Healing’. This process is structured in a few steps which bring in healing and transformation through affirmations, tapping (EFT) and energy healing techniques.

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Fear - The Only Constant In Life
FEAR: The Only Constant In Life

My whole life I have been living in constant fear. What is the message for me?

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What Happens During Energy Work?
What Happens During Energy Work?

What happens during a “distant energy treatment” with another person?

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Resonance with reiki
Resonate With Reiki – Aspire to a Healthy & Happy Life

Gendai Reiki Ho is not a new Reiki system but a more practically structured method based on the original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho that was founded in 1922.

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how to activate your healing power
How To Activate Your Healing Power

During a meditation exercise I saw myself as a healer in another lifetime, my name was … [Editor’s note: we’ll call her XYZ]. I have also been told many times that my hands can heal…

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I Have Done A Lot .... But I Have Not Seen Any Result
I Have Done A Lot …. But I Have Not Seen Any Result

You are looking for an answers in cause – effect, but on a Subtle level there is no cause – effect, since the events of life are the result of what happens inside yourself and are moved by your perception, through Synchronicity.

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Everything Speaks To you, about yourself
EVERYTHING Speaks To You … about Yourself

Are there any precautions that we should adopt in this phase that we begin to leave our environment to open ourselves up to an international environment, wider, more indiscriminate with respect to our work activity?

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I Have Cockroaches In My Home. What Does It Mean?

As you know there is no absolute meaning that can apply to everyone. However, there is no doubt that when animals show up in our life they carry a message about our mental attitude (thought) in that phase of our Journey.

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