
Tag: mikao usui

Anshin Ritsumei
Anshin Ritsumei – Experiencing Oneness

Usui Sensei trained at a Zen Buddhist monastery wishing that he would be able to live his life in Anshin Ritsumei, but he …

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Being a Reiki Conduit
Being a Reiki Conduit

It Is Not Necessary to Concentrate or Make an Effort When Using Reiki. All you need to do is gently place your hands.

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Come for Reiki treatments in Cagliari
Come for Reiki Treatments in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

Whether you are on vacation or live in the beautiful island of Sardinia, it is always an opportunity to look after your wellbeing, physically, mentally and spiritually.

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The Usui-Gray Integrated Reiki Treatment
The Six Steps of The Usui-Gray Integrated Reiki Treatment (Steps 1 and 2)

The Usui-Gray Integrated Reiki System® was created by John Harvey Gray and Lourdes Gray, and includes six steps.

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How To Perform Aura Cleansing Correctly
How To Perform Aura Cleansing Correctly

Aura Cleansing is a technique that removes excess energy from the aura, re-balancing it. It can be done before and after a session.

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gokai (1)
What Is Go-kai And The Profound Meaning Of Satori

The Go-kai is quite short and simple but has the profound meaning of Satori, which Usui Sensei achieved.

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basics of reiki sessions
Basics Of Reiki Sessions

Healing is to return to original, healthy state. It is to restore radiance of life. You give Reiki to yourself to promote health and peaceful mind.

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Reiki-ho A Natural Healing Method That Uses The Power From The Hands
Reiki-ho: A Natural Healing Method That Uses The Power From The Hands

Reiki-ho (“Reiki” In English) is a traditional way of using Ki for hands-on healing of the body and mind.

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world peace Reiki
The Birth Of World Peace Reiki

The Birth Of World Peace Reiki – While this new energy will work directly with any specific event or situation, it will continue beyond this to establish a greater level of peace for the future of the entire world.

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The Powerful Meaning Of Reiki Symbols
The Powerful Meanings Of The Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols are sacred. Traditionally, they are kept confidential and only revealed to those who take Reiki 2 and higher levels and thus receive the appropriate attunements.

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