
Tag: consciousness

Experiencing Oneness
Experiencing Oneness With Gendai Reiki Ho

The origin of Usui Reiki Ryoho is to start with the hand placement treatment and eventually reach Anshin Ritsumei …

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The nature of consciousness
Understanding Our Holographic Consciousness and Reality – Gregg Braden

Our Consciousness is holographic in nature. One of the simplest definitions of hologram and the most eloquent may be that a hologram is …

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Free yourself from the belief that there are causes outside of you

When you know that consciousness is the one and only reality – conceiving itself to be something ….

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On the Nature of Congestion – Alice Bailey

How can I define congestion for you when the understanding of force and energy and their relation to each other in the human body ….

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Right speech and honesty

Right speech and honesty inspire others and enhance our own energy systems. Conversely, we lose substantial amounts of power …

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I am feeling sad
I am feeling sad

Sadness is to do with your emotional body. Your emotional body is influenced by your mental body that is triggered by beliefs, convictions ….

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The world is the opposite of Reality

Your world is based on the topsy-turvy perception that conditions must be met before there can be a choice for peace instead of war …

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the kingdom of heaven
The Kingdom Of Heaven by Neville Goddard

Tonight’s subject is “The Kingdom.” We’re told in the Book of Luke, the 12th chapter, the 12th verse, “Fear not, little flock, for it …

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you are God
The power of believing is God himself

The power of believing is God himself. So, God-in-man is man’s own wonderful human Imagination.

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Tell me about space
Tell me about space

Space is time… demonstrated. In truth there is no such thing as space—pure, “empty” space, with nothing in it. Everything is something.

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