
Tag: aura

Walpole Park Animal Centre
Merlin The Owl

A little story about Merlin The Owl who initiated me to the healing world.

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Essential Energy Techniques To Keep Your Energy Clear And Flowing
Essential Energy Techniques To Keep Your Energy Clear And Flowing

These essential energy techniques are quite simple and can be practiced by everyone. These techniques are given by Cindy Dale.

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How To Strengthen The Aura
How To Strengthen The Aura

The Human Energy Field or aura is a matrix of subtle energy fields or patterns that surround and penetrate the physical body.

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The Etheric Body And Prana
The Etheric Body And Prana

There is a very strong relationship between the etheric and the physical bodies. The etheric body plays a key role in diseases, healing and death.

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Introducing The Etheric Body
Introducing the Etheric Body

The linga-śarīra (also called doppelgänger), is the necessary intermediate body between prāna and the physical body. Without it, prāna would not be able to animate the body.

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Healing Reactions After A Reiki Treatment
Healing Reactions After A Reiki Treatment

After a session with a Reiki practitioner, a person may go through a healing process in which energy is released from the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual levels.

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How negative energy can affect you
How Negative Energy Can Affect You

What kind of negative energies can get stuck to our aura or body? What impact can they have on us? How do we know what is affecting us?

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Crown Chakra
Crown Chakra – The Connection To Our Spiritual Nature

The seventh chakra is our connection to our spiritual nature and our capacity to allow spirituality to become an integral part of our physical lives.

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Brow CHakra
Brow Chakra – Centre Of Intuition, Intellect And Perception

The sixth chakra is the energy centre of intuition, intellect and perception. Known as the “third eye”, it involves our mental abilities, and our psychological skill at evaluating our beliefs and attitudes.

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Throat CHakra
Throat Chakra – The Centre of Communication, Creativity, and Self-Expression

The throat chakra plays an essential role in communication, creativity, and self-expression. It is the centre of choice.

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