Each person is an individualised and unique manifestation of the I Am that has taken on physical form to experience who they are not, to remember Who They Are, and to live this Truth consistently.
Reiki cannot be defined as a technique or method that allows to solve and cure diseases.
Reiki is the flowing Living Energy, the energy of Love, which is All that really is, the essence of every human being.
It is that flow that is everywhere, every time.
It is the manifestation of All that comes into contact with human manifestation to restore balance, harmony, and reopen the channels of communication between the All that we are.
It enables us to move into a state of flow and flexibility with Universal Consciousness, to move our individual awareness out of perceiving itself to be separate, stuck, fixed, immutable, limited and bound to conscious and unconscious reality constructs that prevent us from experiencing more. It allows us to move from what we are experiencing now into the infinite potentials or possibilities that are available to all of us in every single moment.
By stepping out of time and space even for just the blink of an eye, we ca access something that physicists have called the wave function, which exists beyond time/space and that encodes for infinite number of possibilities.
Each experiential online session offers you the opportunity to experience energy by recognising yourself for Who You Really Are.
This workshop is open to all and is the in-person continuation of ‘The All is Reiki’ online sessions on Thursdays.
Each workshop is different, we may discuss channeled material, meditate, receive attunements, and practice some techniques. We ask to be guided in the work we will be doing together.
This session offers an opportunity to all participants to take part in an energy experience, whether they are Reiki practitioners or they never heard of Reiki before.
If you prefer to lie on the floor for the meditations, please bring with you a yoga if you have one available.
Image by Alem Coksa from Pixabay