The audio recording of the session is sent to all registrants shortly after the event is finished (even if you could not attend)
Sessions are usually every Tuesday at 8:00 PM UK Time
It’s All Available To You
An Energy Experience
(p165) Wherever you are, whether you are in a grocery store, and someone else in this room tonight is in an office, and somebody else in this room tonight is in a garden planting seeds, can you remember fully that you are One and you are united and you are together all the time? You are never alone. You can’t be alone.
(p166) And if all you did was to think on the energy in this room and the little exercise we did and allowed that power to come forth through you, wherever you are you would know that the power of the one Mind of Christ is moving through you. And when you extend love unto anyone on this plane, once it is done, you could just that fast, [snapping fingers] move to that plane of reality in which everyone in this room is abiding as if you were sitting around a table watching a movie, and you could step into that frequency and say,
(p167) Ah, I’ve just extended some more Love into the world. How did you do over there?
(p168) It’s all available to you. You have never been separate one from another, and those of you that are attracted to the expression of community need to start putting that Truth into practice. You can join with any mind of any brother and any sister anytime you want, if only to extend power and love to them.
(p169) You don’t have time to stare at your soap operas any longer. You don’t have time to sit in your easy chair, lamenting how tough your life is, because your life and your world will be transformed when you learn to do nothing but extend the Love of God with every breath you breathe. Whenever the mind knows heaviness or doubt or loneliness, think upon your brother and sister who has come with you to extend the Love of Christ into this world—and empower them.
(p170) Guess what happens when you do that? As you give you receive. As you empower your brother or sister, you will feel that power coursing through you, and you will wonder what happened to your depression and your doubt and your fear and your loneliness. It’s all just an illusion, anyway.
Excerpt from Teachings of Christ Mind The Way of Mastery
The Early Years: Become the Master of Time
There are three parts in each session:
- I explain the theme of the day and how this can be implemented in your daily life.
- I’ll guide you through en exercise, the focus of which is to work with a challenge in your life and to release any beliefs that are currently limiting you. I’ll invite you to repeat a number of affirmations. This is very powerful energy work.
- In the last part of this session I stop talking and you will tune in the silence of the Core of Your Being, while the trasmutation happens within you. I will say a few words at the end of the session. You can continue to stay in the experience as long as you are guided to after the session.
This energy work brings in high-frequency energies that are very powerful and effective as they come directly from Infinite Consciousness.
It is highly effective in removing dissonant energy in the physical body, aura and chakras, working to help release any blocks, healing and integrating other lives, re-aligning your subtle bodies, and providing insights and guidance. Sometimes we will explore your beliefs and attitudes to enable the transformative process to unfold and effectively move blocks in your energy consciousness system.
Integration of mind, body, and soul restores balance within the system, making true transformation and transmutation possible. This process promotes the consistent and unlocked flow of energy throughout the body, bringing the mind, body, and emotions into attunement with the soul.
This work will take place mostly in the unconscious parts of the mind while you remain in a state of calm and peace. The energies continue to work deeply into your system, recalibrating, reconfiguring and transforming it over the days following a session.
- – Have a diary/notebook ready.
- – Switch off your camera and microphone.
- – Find a comfortable spot where you will not be disturbed. Switch-off your phone.
- – You can be seated or lying on the floor or change position during the session.
- – This event will last approx. 60 minutes.
- – Please take some time to rest after the session. The energies continue to work deeply into your system, recalibrating, reconfiguring and transforming it over the days following a session.
If you want to share your feedback please email