Am I Separate From God? – 18 February 2025 @ 8:00 pm UK Time


An Energy Experience




The audio recording of the session is sent to all registrants shortly after the event is finished (even if you could not attend)

Sessions are usually every Tuesday at 8:00 PM UK Time


Am I Separate From God?

An Energy Experience
[…] Can you come to understand that if you are not seeing miracles in your life, it is because you are still choosing to linger in a little trace of darkness that says: I believe in God, I believe in Christ, but I am not really quite the light. If I work a little harder and perfect it the next time around I will be. […] 

And what is power but the choice to rest in the gentleness of allowing your only reality to be lived with every breath you breathe. Will the world crucify me if I let go of every trace of belief that I have ever been separate from God? If I leap off the cliff and trust the power of God to live through me, to throw off my shackles of lack and want and fear, and to let Christ in me so that I can shout with one of my ancient brothers I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me.

And if the world would look upon you and say there goes another nut, can you understand that what you are hearing is coming from a voice of illusion, in which no power resides? and if it is true, and I assure you that it is, who cares about the opinion of another mind who would insist on illusion over reality?

Many of you know what it means to want to wake up in the morning and see your world at peace, to see the complexities of the world healed, to see the chaos ceased, the insanities resolved, and yet you go out in the morning and you conform yourself to those very opinions, because you still believe that the world can keep you safe. And by conforming to it you can escape crucifixion. And yet I say unto you conformity to the perception of your world is to choose crucifixion.

Excerpt from Jeshua, The Way of Mastery (The Early Years, Vol. I)





There are three parts in each session:

  1. I explain the theme of the day and how this can be implemented in your daily life.
  2. I’ll guide you through en exercise, the focus of which is to work with a challenge in your life and to release any beliefs that are currently limiting you. I’ll invite you to repeat a number of affirmations. This is very powerful energy work.
  3. In the last part of this session I stop talking and you will tune in the silence of the Core of Your Being, while the trasmutation happens within you. I will say a few words at the end of the session. You can continue to stay in the experience as long as you are guided to after the session.







This energy work brings in high-frequency energies that are very powerful and effective as they come directly from Infinite Consciousness.

It is highly effective in removing dissonant energy in the physical body, aura and chakras, working to help release any blocks, healing and integrating other lives, re-aligning your subtle bodies, and providing insights and guidance. Sometimes we will explore your beliefs and attitudes to enable the transformative process to unfold and effectively move blocks in your energy consciousness system.

Integration of mind, body, and soul restores balance within the system, making true transformation and transmutation possible. This process promotes the consistent and unlocked flow of energy throughout the body, bringing the mind, body, and emotions into attunement with the soul.

This work will take place mostly in the unconscious parts of the mind while you remain in a state of calm and peace. The energies continue to work deeply into your system, recalibrating, reconfiguring and transforming it over the days following a session.



  • – Have a diary/notebook ready.
  • – Switch off your camera and microphone. 
  • – Find a comfortable spot where you will not be disturbed. Switch-off your phone.
  • – You can be seated or lying on the floor or change position during the session.
  • – This event will last approx. 60 minutes.
  • – Please take some time to rest after the session. The energies continue to work deeply into your system, recalibrating, reconfiguring and transforming it over the days following a session.



If you want to share your feedback please email