Reiki Share in Central London
Reiki Shares In Central London | Ongoing Reiki Practitioner Support

The Reiki share provide a fantastic opportunity to reconnect or to deepen our connection with Reiki as everyone is giving and receiving a treatment. 

It is important to practise Reiki with other like-minded people in a supportive and nurturing environment. It is also a fantastic opportunity to network and to share information and experiences.

A Reiki share is a group of Reiki practitioners simultaneously practicing Reiki on a recipient for usually 10-15 minutes. The recipient then exchanges places with a practitioner until all in the group have received their treatment.

The focus of the Reiki Share is to receive Reiki treatments, to practice, support, and learn. They provide a safe environment for deep healing, self-discovery, stress-reduction and relaxation.

All are invited regardless of experience with Reiki. You are welcome to invite other qualified Reiki practitioners and to share this information with anyone interested.

Reiki shares are on held the first Monday of each month, from 7:00pm until 9.00pm at the Stillpoint Centre For Wellbeing, 18 Devonshire Row, London EC2M 4RH.

Dates in 2022

– 7 March

– 4 April

– 9 May

– 6 June

– 4 July

– 8 August

The fee to join the Reiki share is £15.

How To Book

Please email

Students of The Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma

One of the requirements of the Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma is to attend at 4 Reiki shares (2 hours each, 8 contact hours in total).

The Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma is designed to enable a Reiki practitioner to register with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) to work in professional environments where this is required.

CNHC quality Mark
CNHC Quality Mark

Also, to provide competence and confidence to professionally work as a Reiki practitioner.

In addition to traditional Reiki 1 and 2 training, further aspects of Reiki as well as regulatory, legal, and general holistic healthcare topics are covered.

The Diploma follows in detail the Core Curriculum as devised by the Reiki Council and the National Occupational Standards for Reiki training in the United Kingdom.

The Diploma is taught over a minimum of 9 months, it offers the potential for periods of pause to enable self-reflection and consists of different modules to facilitate the emotional and spiritual development of the student.

It starts with a Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 courses, followed by three other modules in no specific order.

This is accompanied by homework and the requirement for treatments and self-treatments to be logged in a journal.

Once a student has completed the minimum number of treatments and self-treatments, and successfully trained in all modules of direct learning, they can register for the final assessment.

Giancarlo is a fully qualified Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Therapist. He is a registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council, the Federation of Holistic Therapists, the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association and the General Hypnotherapy Register. Read more.