Reiki for Balance
Reiki is a Japanese technique based on the idea that there is a universal life force energy that flows through all living things. Reiki practitioners channel this energy to promote balance and well-being.
It is important to remember that, as with all things in the universe, our energy tries to stay in a certain balance, as depicted in the tai chi symbol (the yin and yang). The human energy field itself is connected to every aspect of our being: mind, body, spirit, emotions, and whatnot. Balancing the energy will thus affect every part.
Certain improvement of physical problems may aften result in improvement of our mental and emotional lives, too. Vice versa as well. Balancing produces positive side effects.
According to Chinese philosophy, everything is comprised of opposites: male–female, hot–cold, mountain–valley, fire–water, and so forth. There is always a little bit of one in the other. However, one cannot overtake the other—that would mean the end of them both, or death.
Our universe as well as our energy system tries to stay in infinite balance. Our energy changes all the time, virtually every moment of our lives. It depends on many factors, such as nutrition, environment, the people around us, our thoughts, and so forth. It is practically impossible to keep it balanced for long periods of time, yet we don’t necessarily become ill every time it goes out of the equilibrium. The problems start when we have parts of the energy out of balance for longer periods of time.
Most illnesses actually show up first in the energy field and only later in the body.
An healthy aura is always smooth and even at an approximate distance of an arm’s length from the body. We may feel imbalances in parts of it even when the person feels perfectly healthy—that again is because the problems will show in the field before they show in the body.
The ultimate goal is to stay as close to the balance as possible, at any given moment in our lives.
Photo of Mikhail Nilov