LIving the Illusion
Living in illusion

I have lived many, many lifetimes on Earth. I was with many of you in the end days of Atlantis, in the Temples of Tien. I gave myself the experience of being trapped in an energetic crystal for over one hundred thousand years. The crystal was real, and it is also a metaphor for my own prison of belief systems. When I freed myself from the prison of the crystal, I vowed to always live openly and freely. I made a vow to myself that I could be birthed on Earth into a physical body and take on any role I chose without ever getting trapped again.

I had a lifetime in Israel at the time of Yeshua (Jesus). I was a rebellious rabbi. It was no coincidence that in that lifetime I met and worked with Yeshua, and occasionally with Mary Magdalene.

I left my position as a rabbi, much to the anger and concern of the other rabbis, to work with Yeshua. He was a healer. He was an energy transformer, a true alchemist. I learned from him and he learned from me. My story wasn’t written about in the Bible, but perhaps that was a good thing because then I didn’t find myself trapped in it like Tobias was, and like Yeshua is.

I have lived many other lifetimes, including the one most of you are familiar with, when I was Saint-Germain—Count Saint-Germain. I spent a lifetime as the one you know as Mark Twain, or Samuel Clemens. I’ve had many, many other lifetimes before, during, and after Atlantis. I am like you, with one exception: I set myself free. I released myself from the limitations of human reality, or better said, human illusion.

The difference between you and me is nothing more than a very thin line, an illusion. You stand on one side of the illusion; I stand on the other side. Everything else about us is the same. We started out as angels. We fought and we played long before Earth existed. We came to Earth. We experienced what it was like to be born into a physical body and have numerous incarnations. We experienced many different aspects of ourselves along the way, creating a variety of different lifetimes, different personalities, and different identities.

The difference—the only difference—between you and I is the illusionary line. I mean illusionary because I realized at some point it was all a game, it was all an illusion. I wasn’t Saint-Germain. I wasn’t a Jewish rabbi. I wasn’t Samuel Clemens. I was all that I am. These were simply roles that I played, much like an actor plays different characters on the stage. The difference between you and I is that you take the role you are playing right now so very seriously.

You think you—this human identity—is the beginning and the end; I think you are nothing but a temporary role. I love you, I honor you and I respect you, but your human identity is nothing.

It will be gone. This role you are playing, pretending that you are a certain human, living in a certain place with a certain job, will be gone. What will be left is the sweetness of the experience. An experience that, of course, is part of your soul, part of the wholeness of who you are, part of your “I Am-ness,” but it is not you.

You pretend to have hurts, needs, and wants. You pretend that you don’t have enough money, love, support, or opportunity. You pretend that you don’t know the Way, and that to me is the saddest of all. You pretend that you don’t have the answers. But the Standard—the Standard that I am and the Standard that you can become—understands that it’s all a game.

You may get upset, thinking that I am not taking your poor life seriously enough,\that I’m not feeling sorry enough for you. Let that game be done. That is energy feeding. It is more than feeding; it is a way of keeping you trapped in this reality. Don’t you see that there are so many other realities all around you? You are focused in this one dimension, but all around you are dimensions and realities and probabilities that you pretend not to see.

Then you cry out to God or the angels, “Show me the Way.” I say the Way is already with you. It is already here. When do you want to see the Way? When do you want to feel the Way? When do you want to experience the Way?

You say, “But, but, but, Adamus!” The moment you say “but” and start compromising, I leave. You get these “buts” in your head and it stops you, it holds you back. I have better things to do. And so do you, by the way. So do you. Your compromises, your buts, are hesitations in time and consciousness. You say to me, “But, but what about my family?” What about your family? Wouldn’t they be better off if you were a true Standard and not a compromised human?

“But, but,” you say, “what about my job?” You don’t like your job anyway. You complain all the time. You say, “But, but, what am I going to do for money?” With that attitude, you might go broke and starve. You’ll probably die, then you’ll come over to the other side, and we’ll have to have a long talk.

Abundance is everywhere. It is in the air around you. It is in the energy around you. Imagine that you’re in a clear bubble. In this bubble is everything that you need for your human sustenance and grand abundance. It is all right here, but you don’t want to look at it. It is like a blind person walking through a large grocery store saying, “But where is the food?” If you reach out, if you open your eyes, you will see that it is everywhere.

Abundance doesn’t have to come in through conventional ways like a paycheck. It doesn’t have to come in by somebody else giving it to you. You just actualize it. What do I mean by actualize? It means you realize that it is already there, a half a dimension away, a half a breath away. It is there. It is ready to come in and serve you. This universe is filled with energy. It is everywhere.

Energy exists in a neutral state until it is activated. When it is activated by your command it will actualize. Remember: “The Master allows energy to serve them.” You are a Master. You allow energy to serve you. Whether the energy is from another person or in the neutral warehouse in the ethers, it wants to serve you. But it wants to know one thing first—that you acknowledge that you are a Creator, that you are a Standard.

Most humans acknowledge that they are inferior. They acknowledge they are lost and they don’t know what the hell they’re doing. Humans acknowledge that they are weak, that they are crippled, that they are distorted, that they are less than intelligent. Do you know what happens? The energy will serve them exactly, specifically, and literally. If you get up in the morning and say, “Well, it’s going to be another one of those days. I’m going to have to battle with people. I’m going to have tension and stress. I’m overweight and can barely pay the bills.” Instantly, in that moment, all the energies line up and will serve you the rest of the day.

That is why I say, “This day is mine and this night is mine.” This is my playground; the day and the night will respond to me. Energy can do that for you, also. The funny thing is that it is already doing that and you don’t realize it. All of the energies are already serving you. The energies are serving your illusion of limitations. The energies are serving your illusions of compromising —thinking that you have to compromise yourself to make other people happy, compromise because you’re afraid to take bold and daring steps.

So, in a sense, I have to applaud you because you are a Master. You are already making this work. It’s happening every moment of every day. Instead of saying “I Am,” so many humans are saying, “I am not.” Then energy comes in to serve “not” all day and all night long.

However, I understand exactly what you’re going through. After all, I was trapped in my crystal prison for over one hundred thousand years. You are smarter than me because you’re not going to get stuck for one hundred thousand years. Perhaps just a few dozen lifetimes!

Live Your Divinity: Inspiration for New Consciousness – Adamus Saint-Germain
Trasmitted by Geoffrey Hoppe & Linda Hoppe

Image par Marybeth de Pixabay