Experiencing Oneness
Experiencing Oneness With Gendai Reiki Ho

Reiki Ho was originally founded by Mikao Usui, who was born in 1865, as Usui Reiki Ryoho (Ryoho means a treatment or therapy). After a long quest, he reached the conclusion that the goal of life was to obtain Anshin Ritsumei, Spiritual Peacefulness.

Usui Sensei trained at a Zen Buddhist monastery in Kyoto for three years wishing that he would be able to live his life in Anshin Ritsumei, but he was unable to reach Anshin Ritsumei. He asked a Buddhist monk at the temple how to reach Anshin Ritsumei, and the monk answered, “You need to experience death.”

Usui Sensei went on a fast, preparing for death on Mount Kurama. He finally experienceds Oneness (Anshin Ritsumei) when his inner vibration resonated with the vibration of the Universe. His internal Reiki started resonating with the Reiki in the Universe and he experienced Oneness with it. His quest was answered; “I am the Universe, the Universe is

The state of Anshin Ritsumei is the ultimate resonance between our inner Reiki and the Reiki in the Universe.

One day, he began fasting and hard training on Mount Kurama. On the 21st day, he was struck by a strong Reiki energy on his head. He then experienced Oneness and was given Reiki Ryoho. He tried Reiki on himself and his family and saw immediate and remarkable effects. He established the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Aoyama, Tokyo in April 1922 to share, teach and spread this wonderful method with many people instead of keeping it to himself and his family.

Excerpt of the epitaph engraved on Usui Sensei’s monument

On his way he realised that by experiencing Oneness, he also received healing ability, as he started witnessing many occurrences of healing. Healing occurred when he resonated with the Reiki vibration, just like the experiences he had on Mount Kurama. He was guided to share this simple hand-placement treatment as a starting point to finally reach Anshin Ritsumei.

He named it Usui Reiki Ryoho and established the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Tokyo in April 1922 to teach it to as many people as possible.

Treating illness was not Usui Sensei’s goal. He trained and worked so hard to achieve Anshin Ritsumei, and when it was achieved, the ability to heal was given with awareness.

Spritation of the True Nature of Reiki

The practice of Gendai Reiki Ho shows us Reiki how to resonate with Reiki. The goal is to naturally resonate with Reiki without even thinking about it, through the purposeful practice of Reiki sessions, daily self-treatment, self-purification exercises, and
various techniques for personal growth.

You can reach Anshin Ritsumei by living your life according to the natural law of the Universe. Practicing Reiki means trusting and resonating with Reiki.

Although Reiki Ryoho is very effective, a practitioner will also need to focus on self-improvement, not just treating clients. Practitioners must continue their studies and working on themselves by consistently resonating with Reiki to reach Anshin Ritsumei.

Certification System of the Original Japanese Usui Reiki

Path to health

Awards: Shoden (Sixth – Third degrees) and Okuden (First Level Second Level (distant))

The objective of Shoden is to learn the Basics of hand-placement treatment. The goal of Shoden is to treat yourself and people around you.

The objective of Okuden is Completion of Usui Reiki Ryoho. The goal of Okuden is to treat as many people as possible.

Path to Happiness

Awards: Shinpiden A special degree to learn Anshin Ritsumei directly from Usui Sensei. Shihan, associate Shihan, and directors were selected from among Shinpiden.

A Gakkai member is awarded Shoden and Okuden depending on their accomplishment and healing ability. Shoden consists of Sixth to Third Degrees and Okuden consists of First Level and Second Level. In the Second Level, the trainee has fully mastered Usui Reiki Ryoho and is given a certificate. Shinpiden training included special private classes with Usui Sensei to learn spiritual improvement.

Human beings are made happy and healthy. Illness and unhappiness occur when we are not resonating with Reiki. Health is the natural state of Being as our inner Reiki and the Reiki in the Universe resonate. Healing occurs when our inner Reiki resonates with the Reiki in the Universe during the hand placement treatment. Anshin Ritsumei is an ultimate result of Reiki resonance from both inner-self and the Universe.

The origin of Usui Reiki Ryoho is to start with the hand placement treatment and eventually reach Anshin Ritsumei, and that was the original intention of Usui Sensei when he started Reiki.