Healed body
Chose Now To Stay In A Healed Body

We want to talk to Paul for a moment about what he creates in his life and how he fears things and how those fears come into manifestation. For the last two days he’s been frightened about healing issues and that does not mean he will create illness. However, it does mean that he creates mental constructs that he then has to make so with his conscious intentions. So we want to give him an exercise to heal the body of the need to project illness into the future.

“I am Word through my body” claims the body into alignment with Christ. “I am Word through my physical presence” actually implies that the presence that you are embodied is actually in the Christ. “I am Word through my future body,” well, Paul is already saying, “How can that be claimed?” It can be claimed as follows:

“I am Word through the body that I inhabit throughout time. And any form the body takes in any lifetime is magnificent and acclimated to the frequency of the Word. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

You are actually engendering, yes, to send a light out forward into the future through this present time that anchors the vibration of the Christ into physical form and that will project healing into the physical body. But to focus on disease, of course, undermines healing. It does not always bring forth disease, but it sure doesn’t make it easy to be in your health. So we acknowledge this, Paul, and we say to you this: You are healthy, you are healing, you are healed. And you are choosing now to stay in a healed body.

“I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

― I Am The Word, Paul Selig

Image by Roman Kogomachenko from Pixabay