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What Is The Meaning Of Chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, they are an integral part of the body’s energy system and they are transformers of subtle energy.

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Do I Need Spirit Release Therapy?
Do I Need Spirit Release Therapy?

Spirit Release is the means used to assist a client with a condition known as spirit or energy attachment and plays an integral role within regression therapy.

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The Astral Plane
The Astral Plane: Introduction

In 1896, Leadbeater wrote The Astral Plane (Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena), which contained writings on the realms the soul passes through after death.

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Winter Solstice Meditation
Winter Solstice Meditation

Winter Solstice 2020 in the Northern Hemisphere will be at 5:02am Eastern Standard time and 10:02am London time on Monday, December 21,

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On Being An Eagle
On Being An Eagle

A man found an eagle’s egg and put it in a nest of a barnyard hen.

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