
In: Energy Work

Reiki Circle 22 September 2023 Associazione MaeStr'Ale Cagliari
Reiki Circle – 22 September 2023, Associazione MaeStr’Ale, Cagliari

Weekly Reiki Circle events are open to all members of the Associazione di Promozione Sociale MaeStr’Ale in Via Sal Lucifero 65, Cagliari.

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How To Harness The Incredible Power Of Your Thoughts
How To Harness The Incredible Power Of Your Thoughts

The vibration you send out is going to dictate what you are going to attract in your life.

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Do You Know What You Are Saying To The Field
Do You Know What You Are Saying To The Field?

It’s taken 400 years for western scientists to say there’s a field and everything is part of it. Science explains to us the mechanism of how things work.

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What Grounding Really Means
Grounding: such a simple, yet weird concept

We often hear people talking about grounding. We are told to imagine roots coming out of our feet. But what is grounding really?

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Understanding Thought Forms And Thought Entities
Understanding Thought Forms And Thought Entities

Thought-Forms: A Record of Clairvoyant Investigation is a theosophical book compiled by the members of the Theosophical Society A. Besant and C. W. Leadbeater.

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8 Wonderful Ways Reiki Can Help To Heal Your Life
8 Wonderful Ways Reiki Can Help To Heal Your Life

In this post you will find a description of 8 different approaches that Reiki Masters and advanced energy work practitioners can take when working on themselves and with clients.

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The Incredible World Of Sub-Personalities, Ego States & Past Lives
The Incredible World Of Sub-Personalities, Ego States & Past Lives

Soul-Centered Healing: A Psychologist’s Extraordinary Journey into the Realms of Sub-Personalities, Spirits, and Past Lives. 

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A Powerful Prayer For Healing & Protection
A Powerful Prayer For Healing and Protection

This powerful prayer has been adapted from Prayers for Healing and Protection, A Gift from God by Shakuntala Modi, M.D.

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The Powerful Meaning Of Reiki Symbols
The Powerful Meanings Of The Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols are sacred. Traditionally, they are kept confidential and only revealed to those who take Reiki 2 and higher levels and thus receive the appropriate attunements.

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Transpersonal Chakras
What Is The Meaning Of Transpersonal Chakras?

What transpersonal chakras have in common is that they are not connected to the physical body or at least not so obviously as the seven personal chakras.

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