
Shinpiden (Reiki 3)

The practice of Reiki is an original method of healing developed by Mikao Usui in Japan early in the 20th century. Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, meaning “Usui Reiki Healing Method Learning Society”, is the name of the society of Reiki Masters founded by Mikao Usui.

Gendai Reiki Ho is not a new Reiki system. It can be referred to as “original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho in the Gendai Reiki style,” as it allows people in modern society to learn and practice the original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho easily and comfortably.

Certification levels of Gendai Reiki Ho: 

  • Level I – Shoden (Reiki 1)
  • Level II – Okuden (Reiki 2)
  • Level III – Shinpiden (Reiki 3)
  • Level IV – Gokuikaiden (Master)

The fourth symbol, called the Usui Symbol or Master Symbol, is the supreme symbol of Reiki-ho and considered very sacred overseas.

The fourth symbol and its Kotodama are given by three attunements. This greatly changes the quality of the energy that flows inside you; it becomes as fine and subtle as the higher dimensional energy. The energy works on the body and the consciousness to connect and unite them with the Light of the higher dimension.

When you reach this level, you will consider Reiki as the hado that guides you to spiritual awareness, and you will want to resonate with Reiki all the time to help you advance yourself through your daily life.

Reiki is not just a technique for you anymore. Instead, you reach the highest level of energy, and your self-cleansing and healing ability make remarkable progress.

Gendai Reiki Ho Shinpiden seminars are offered in person only.

The course covers these topics:

The meaning and usage of the fourth symbol (Master Symbol)

How to connect to the higher dimension

  • The consciousness of the higher dimension
  • Higher Self

How to deepen your meditation and raise yourself

  • Meditation
  • Affirmation

Usui Sensei’s essence of Reiki-ho

  • Philosophy
  • Teachings

Achieving the milestones of spiritual awakenings

  • Making use of Reiki in daily life
  • Hints for a creative life

Instruction in Dento Reiki’s Giho

Self-purifying and Self-growth Giho

  • Hado Kokyu-ho (Hado Breathing)
  • Hado Meiso-ho (Hado Meditation)

You will learn

  • Connecting to the consciousness of the higher dimension
  • The concept of the Higher Self
  • The meaning and usage of the Master Symbol
  • Philosophy and teachings of Usui Sensei
  • How to deepen your meditation practice
  • How to integrate Reiki in your daily life
  • Using Reiki for Self-purifying and Self-growth
  • What is a spiritual awakening


Membership of Reiki Organisations

After completing this Gendai Reiki Ho Shipiden seminar, you will be eligible for membership with the Gendai Reiki Healing Association in Japan, and the UK Reiki Federation, The Reiki Association, The Reiki-Guild, and other UK-based Reiki organisations.


Would you like to study Reiki abroad?

Gendai Reiki Ho seminars and the Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma are also taught in Italy, in Italian and English.

What’s included

  • 16 hours of study and practice.
  • The official Gendai Reiki manual in English (Translation supervised by Hiroshi Doi, the founder of Gendai Reiki Ho).
  • An internationally recognised Gendai Reiki Ho Shipiden (Reiki 3) certificate.


Membership of Reiki Organisations

After completing this Gendai Reiki Ho Shipiden seminar, you will be eligible for membership with the Gendai Reiki Healing Association in Japan, and the UK Reiki Federation, The Reiki Association, The Reiki-Guild, and other UK-based Reiki organisations.

Entry requirements

In order to register for the Gendai Reiki Ho Level III Shinpiden course, students must have successfully completed the Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma course.


Class Dates

  • 26 & 27 July 2025 – Benedictine Institute, London, W5 2DD



The fee for this course is £550.

Have you already learned Reiki from another lineage?

For most Japanese Gendai Reiki Masters in Japan, changing the Master is a big deal. A person who has learned Reiki from another lineage, even if that person is already a Master, must start with Introduction/Level 1 if he/she wants to learn Gendai Reiki. Gendai Reiki adheres to the philosophy and pure energy line of Usui Sensei. If a person is taught from the middle level, he/she will lack the energy transmission and theories of the levels that were not taught.


Reiki-ho (“Reiki” In English) is a traditional Japanese way of using Ki for hands-on healing of the body and mind, the same way as other hand healings that have existed from ancient times. It was originally established as “Usui Reiki Ryoho” by Mikao Usui (1865 – 1926) in 1922 as “the way to make mind and body healthy on the basis of the Universal Reiki“.

carlo newsletter square
Giancarlo Serra

Giancarlo is a Gokuikaiden (Reiki Master) of the Japanese Lineage, as well as a Reiki Master/Teacher of the Usui/Tibetan, the Usui/Holy Fire® and the Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki® Western Lineages of Reiki. He is an accredited Spiritual Healer and a Past Life and Regression Therapist. Read more.

Reiki Training Contact Form

All information provided is private and confidential.

(* Required)

    Full Name*
    Postal Code*
    Mobile Number*

    I want to register for the following seminar:
    Gendai Reiki Ho Level I Shoden (2-day course)
    2 & 3 November 2024 - Benedictine Institute, London1 & 2 March 2025 - Benedictine Institute, London2 & 3 August 2025 - Benedictine Institute, London1 & 2 November 2024 - Benedictine Institute, London
    Gendai Reiki Ho Level II Okuden (2-day course)
    17 & 18 May 2025 - Benedictine Institute, London6 & 7 December 2025 - Benedictine Institute, London
    Gendai Reiki Ho Level III Shinpiden (2-day course)
    26 & 27 July 2025 - Benedictine Institute, London
    Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher (World Peace Reiki) (6 days, 4 hours per day)
    11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 November 2024 - Online
    Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma (please fill out the form on the Diploma page)
    Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma 2024/2025 - London

    Details of any Reiki training undertaken

    Any additional information you believe important or relevant

    How did you find me? (check all the applicable)
    Search Engine (like Google)Friend/AcquaintanceSocial MediaReferred by Physician/Complementary Health PractitionerOther
