Transformational Healing Experience and News February 2023
A couple of things that may interest you.
1 – All my upcoming Reiki classes, online and in person, are now Holy Fire Reiki system. I am not planning to teach western Reiki classes for the foreseeable future.
I have been teaching both systems (the western style and Holy Fire Reiki), for two years now, and I found that traditional attunements, although amazingly useful, no longer resonate with me and the way I work and teach.
I believe that energy should not be limited to time and space, therefore group and distant attunements (or placements as they are called in the Holy Fire system) are in my opinion the way forward in our current times.
However, all my Holy Fire Reiki classes will have a solid foundation in traditional Japanese Reiki, in particular I want to expand the spiritual dimension of Reiki that are overlooked in the western style Reiki classes, and often replaced entirely by too many techniques and complicated methods. I will also introduce elements of metaphysical quantum healing concepts.
I want to experience and being absorbed by Reiki as a spiritual path, moving away from the chains and limitations that ‘traditional’ schools and organisations often place on this beautiful spiritual practice.
In order to achieve that, I feel very strongly that I need to travel back to Japan in March 2023 and train with Hiroshi Doi Sensei in Gendai Reiki Healing. In the same week I will also attend the Centenary of Usui Reiki Ryoho 1922 – 2022 in Osaka.
Hiroshi Doi Sensei is a leading authority on the practice of Usui Reiki. He’s 87 years old and the Master Class in March will be his last teaching. Because of his poor health, and to preserve his energy, he’ll be offering a group attunement instead of a traditional, individual, Japanese attunement.
To me, this is incredibly a remarkable and incredibly symbolic event while he’s passing the baton to future generations. It is a sign of how things are changing in the world, and Reiki it’s no exception.
2 – I have been working with Lucia, a wonderful person that has the ability to channel incredibly accurate messages from Source. I believe that we all have this ability, so I don’t think this being special. However, it is incredibly difficult for the majoority of people to channel messages that are pure and from a pure Source.
I mean that channelled messages are often contaminated at the Source (who is giving the message?) and also contaminated by the ego of the person channelling.
Because of this, I have been quite sceptical about asking for channeled messages for myself. Until recently.
Lucia channels messages that are not from angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, because these are all ‘denser’ expressions of the One source. Messages from Source are straight to the point, direct and free from emotional components that are ‘more human’.
Many messages are posted on the MaeStr’Ale website – however are in Italian. I will be translating and posting them on my website if you are interested.
3 – The dates of the Usui/Holy Fire III Online Reiki, I & II class in January have changed (again!) as I will be travelling until middle of February. Please see below.
How to manifest what you deside (Channelling from Source)
What message is my car communicating?
Bring me a menu … and then you order
The Ladder Technique – Neville Goddard
BLISS – Transformational Healing Experience – 14 Janury 2023 @ 5.00 pm UK – Online
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki, I & II Class – 23, 24, 25, 26 January 2023 @ 4.00 pm UK – Online
Earthbound Spirits – How To Recognise and Release Them – 29 January 2023 @ 1.00 pm UK – Online
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki, I & II Class – 18, 19 February 2023 – London
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki, Master Class – 10, 11, 12 March 2023 – Online